There is still a lot of misunderstanding around Long COVID. There are many people who think that it is that people are really tired after their acute COVID illness. One thing that may be helpful in providing perspective is that numerous studies show that most people with Long COVID suffer to such a great extent, this includes children, that they struggle with suicidal ideation and in some case actually commit suicide in a desperate attempt to end the suffering.
As someone who has had Long COVID for almost three years, I can attest to this. It was more than a year before I began to stop feeling like I could die at any moment, and for some individuals Long COVID does lead to death. Everyday is still a struggle. Treatments are a costly experiment that we are consistently learning how to navigate better. Everyday I am acutely aware of all that is out of my control, in particular, that this disease could take me or either of my children out of this world too soon.
As people continue to dev…